Travel Bingo Game Printable
As I mentioned last week, I doing a series this month where I’ll be sharing a different DIY travel game every Friday for family road trips. The focus is on simple + small games to bring along in the car so your kid isn’t watching movies the whole drive. This week I’m sharing this cute printable travel bingo game.
They’re learning opportunities––a chance for you and your young ones to try new experiences. With these kid-friendly printable game sheets, including A-B-C I Spy, bingo and the license plate game, it all starts from the moment the rubber hits the road. Don't forget your printouts! View Game Templates to Print. Kids can play against each other or solo for this road trip bingo game. There are four BINGO cards so up to four people can play at once. Print out the BINGO calling cards (on cardstock if possible) and cut out each symbol. The put the calling card symbols in a bag or bowl and have one person reach in and call out each symbol. Although anyone can play these Road Trip Bingo printable cards, but these are a perfect fun activity for kids. Since these are prefilled bingo cards, kids will be able to recognize different road signs and vehicles, while trying to match each of the images. These can be printed in black and white, but are more fun when printed in color. Get Printable Travel Bingo Here The Best part of Travel Bingo is that it can be played along for fun or together with the whole family. It can also be played two different ways. You can play in the car, marking off each square as you see each of the signs.

My sister Becca drew the illustrations, aren’t they beautiful? I love how they turned out with the watercolor she added.The best part is you can download a set of four different boards for your own road trip.
Photography and styling by Liz Stanley. Illustrations by Becca Ricks for Say Yes to Hoboken (contact her for commissioned illustrations at Assisted by Devon Cone.

This post is brought to you by The New Santa Fe from Hyundai.
Keep on reading for details about the game and the link for downloading your own set of 4 boards…

1. Download the first set of two boards here, and the second set of two here. The boards should each be 5 x 5 when printed out.
2. Print them out onto card stock in color and cut them out.

3. Spray paint some tiny wooden chips to use for markers and place the set of four in a muslin bag, mine was 5 x 7 size from etsy.
Directions: Each player receives their own board and a handful of chips. When they see one of the items, like a mountain for example, they place a chip down on that picture. If they have more than one mountain on their board, they can place down more than one chip. So if they have three mountains on their board, they can place three chips down for seeing the one mountain. The ‘bingo’ square in the middle is a free square. The first to get 5 in a row yells bingo and wins!
In case you missed it, see last week’s DIY car game, the tic tac toe game right here
Keep your kids entertained on your next family vacation with this fun printable Travel Bingo game!
As you know we do a lot of traveling with our kids. This often means hours traveling with 3 small kids in a small confined space. We have found that a key to smooth travel days with our kids is making sure we are prepared. Each of our kids always travels with their own Travel bag filled with snacks and entertainment essentials (like a Kindle loaded with movies, games, and apps along with headphones). You can learn more about how to set up the perfect kids Travel bags here.
Printable Bingo Cards With Numbers
In addition to their individual travel bags, we have found that its a great idea (especially for Car Travel days) to have some other fun games for the whole family to enjoy together. I am currently working on creating some game binders for our car but to start with I had my husband create some fun Travel Bingo cards.
You can either print out new pages for each trip so the kids can use a pen or pencil to mark off each square or laminate them so the same cards can be used over and over again with dry/wet erase markers or crayons. Personally, I plan to laminate mine.
Get Printable Travel Bingo Here
The Best part of Travel Bingo is that it can be played along for fun or together with the whole family. It can also be played two different ways.
Travel Bingo Game Printable
- You can play in the car, marking off each square as you see each of the signs.
- We have provided a page cut out squares with all the bingo signs as well as tokens so you can play in the traditional manner.
My husband went a little over board with all the different variations for this Bingo set. The PDF has 19 printables pages (including tokens and bingo cut out icons) with 30 different half page sized Bingo boards. This printable game is ready to print at home or at your local copy center. But That just means you have more play variations!
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