Online Virtual Bingo
Online Virtual Bingo Card
A bingo game that is played throughout a live session using common virtual session occurrences.
Why we like it
Bingo cards can be customized (and randomized) online for free to focus on specific groups, or it can include well-known meeting situations like people forgetting to turn off Mute. The activity can raise awareness of common meeting distractions in hopes to avoid them, or it can focus on positive program content.

Tech tip
Custom bingo card with your organizations’ name at the top; Custom virtual invite sent to your attendees on your behalf–each containing a players virtual card and zoom meeting link. Virtual bingo card for. Play Virtual BINGO from the comfort of your own home! Each winner will be placed into a monthly drawing for a prize! Every time you get BINGO, your name will automatically be placed in the drawing. The more you win, the more chances you have to win the prize! Winners will be notified by phone. All ages, children under 6 with an adult.

There are numerous free bingo generators online which can be linked and/or downloaded. My Free Bingo Cards has free cards and individual links for up to 30 people (with cheap paid options for more) as well as many customization options.
Here’s an example board:
Here are common virtual meeting problems used (if you want to copy and paste):
Forgot to Unmute
Forgot to Mute
Forgot to use Video
Forgot to turn off Video
Hear outside talking
Hear outside noises
Animal in view
Child in view
Outside person in view
Dropped object
Cough or sneeze
Audio problem
Video stalled
Exit and rejoin
Incorrect chat send
Wrong file sent
Wrong window shared
Can't open link
Gone more than 5 min
Urgent phone call
Obvious multi-tasking
Blurry background
Shadow face (backlight)
Bad word
1. Design and distribute the bingo cards. Individual files can be sent or virtual links can be shared. Give instructions as needed. Keep in mind, getting Bingo could involve 1 line, 2 lines, etc.
2. During the session, allow participants to note when they see something on the bingo card. This might be in Chat or verbally. It’s key to announce and allow everyone to mark their card to avoid disputes later, plus everyone marking items stays true to the original bingo play.
3. When someone gets Bingo they announce it. Award prizes as needed.

Online Bingo Free For Groups
Play with a single shared Bingo board via screenshare or whiteboard.
Online Virtual Bingo Games
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