Feelings Bingo Free
Are you hosting a FEELINGS party? Your guests will love playing FEELINGS Bingo! Download 2 free pages of FEELINGS Bingo including instructions and a randomized call sheet.
202 Top Feelings Bingo Teaching Resources Explore more than 202 'Feelings Bingo' resources for teachers, parents, and students, as well as related resources on 'Emotions Bingo' Create your FREE account now! Inside Out Bingo Feelings – English Esl Worksheets For On the internet you’ll be able to discover all types of games to perform with. It is possible to find a game for all occasions, various types, and also totally free Bingo Games. There are also sites that offer online games. Free printable Feelings and Emotions Bingo Cards bingo cards for download. Card description:. You can also make your own custom games using a free trial of our software,Cmo ests,Cmo est usted,Qu tal,Qu pasa,Nada,Nada mucho,Cmo te sientes,Estoy bien,Estoy triste,Estoy enfermoa,Estoy alegre,Estoy cansadoa,muy,Estoy enojadoa,Estoy feliz,Estoy aburridoa,Estoy confundidoa,Estoy preocupadoa,Estoy. Inside Out Printable Bingo Game If you're looking for free printable kids' games, you'll love this Emotions Bingo game inspired by the movie Inside Out. It's a great way to get young kids talking about emotions! Free Printable Bingo Game about Feelings Peonies and Poppy Seeds.
B | I | N | G | O |
relaxations | being at peace with yourself | physical safety | identity | safety language |
stress/trauma effects sense of SELcceptance | a | physical abuse | depression | domestic violence |
feeling overwhelmed | self respect | FREE | preparing for change | sexual abuse |
loss | psychological safety | safety | neglect | emotions |
future | flashbacks | coping skills | responses to stress- flight- fight- freeze | hyperarousal |
Host Instructions:
- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
- First to get all squares
- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes
B | I | N | G | O |
safety language | physical safety | loss | stress/trauma effects sense of SELcceptance | preparing for change |
hyperarousal | depression | future | psychological safety | emotions |
identity | sexual abuse | FREE | coping skills | flashbacks |
self respect | neglect | a | relaxations | sanctuary |
physical abuse | domestic violence | responses to stress- flight- fight- freeze | being at peace with yourself | feeling overwhelmed |

Host Instructions:
- Decide when to start and select your goal(s)
- Designate a judge to announce events randomly or as they happen
- Cross off events from the list when announced
- First to get any line (up, down, left, right, diagonally)
- First to get the four corners
- First to get two diagonal lines through the middle (an 'X')
- First to get all squares
- Check off events on your card as they occur
- If you complete a goal, shout 'Bingo!'. You've won!
- The judge decides in the case of disputes
As educators, we know how important social emotional development is for little learners. With this emotions bingo game, your little ones can learn about emotions and begin to learn about empathy. By understanding facial and body cues related to different emotions we can begin to help kids recognize changes in their own feelings as well as in the feelings of others. This is the first step to helping children manage big emotions and now what to do when they feel these big emotions.
Games are an excellent way to teach difficult concepts to your little learners in a more interactive and fun way. This feelings game is a helpful way for your kids to learn about emotions in preschool, kindergarten, and first grade, depending on your kids’ readiness for the skill.
Our individual free printable feelings play dough mats were so helpful in inviting kids to explore and express their emotions that I wanted to build on that with a class activity. My newest feelings activity will help your kids learn social emotion development and help with learning about big feelings, learning about emotions, and more!
This free printable focuses on emotion recognition to help your kids learn different types of feelings and emotions, and more in a fun bingo game that can be played in a large group setting or in small groups.
With this freebie, you can teach your kids to recall emotions and what they look like.
How to play
You will find game cards on pages 3-7 of the free printable game pack. You will use these for kids to select during whole group circle time or small group activity time. You may need to print multiple sets if you are using with a large class in the circle time option.
Directions for playing the Emotions Bingo game as a class
On pages 8-27, you will find the full page game mats for the large circle time bingo game.
To play for circle time, choose how many large mats you want to use. For smaller classes you can use 9 game mats and the corresponding cards from pages 3-7. Lay the large mats out in a 3 by 3 square grid in the middle of your circle.
For larger classes, you will need about 16-20 game mats to create a larger bingo grid. Have your kids use stuffed animals or doll to be their game pieces.
When it’s their turn a child will choose a game card. As a class, they will identify the emotion, and everyone will display the chosen emotion using body language and their faces.
For the child whose turn it is, they will place their manipulative of choice (stuffed animal) on the class size game mat. Continue playing until the class hits bingo!
Directions for playing the Emotions Bingo game in a small group
For small group play, you will find individual bingo cards on pages 29-33 of the free printable.
To play in a small group, use the game cards from pages 3-7.
Each child playing will also need an individual game board as pictured below.
Let your kids take turns selecting a game card. Each kid will show that emotion using their faces and body language, then cover the corresponding space on their boards if they have it. Using pom poms, or another manipulative of your choice, have your kids place their manipulative on their boards.
Continue playing until someone reaches bingo or you have a blackout (all spaces covered).
Get the free printable Emotions Bingo Game
This free printable excerpt includes:
- Two variations of printable face and body emotion cards
- Full-size game boards for whole group game play
- Individual game boards for small group game play
Click the pink button below to get your freebie.

Don’t see the pink button? Click here to get your free song printable.
A Full Week of Fun & Learning with Emotions Theme Lesson Plans
This set includes active hands-on learning ideas and the following printables:
Free Printable Feelings Bingo Games
- Emotions Cards with Labels (in color and b/w)
- Helpful and Hurtful Choices Sorting Cards and Discussion Prompts (in color and b/w)
- How I’m Feeling Emotions Mats for Play Dough, Drawing and Loose Parts (in color and b/w)
- How I Feel Emergent Reader (3 versions)
- Emotions Number Cards 0-35 (in color and b/w)
- Emotions Roll and Graph (in color and b/w)
- Emotions Picture-Word Cards (in color and b/w)
- Emotions Puzzles (in color and b/w)
Free Printable Feelings Bingo Cards
Feelings Bingo Free Pdf
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