Dingo Bingo
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The redesigned DINGO (Bingo for the Deaf) program is here! DINGO is a unique software program designed for, and with the assistance of, the deaf community. The main features of this program modernize the popular DINGO card game utilized by the deaf community as a substitute for BINGO with automated card shuffling and flashboard display to visually improve the enjoyment of the game. Additional features make this game suitable to any group, deaf or not, that wants to enjoy Bingo in a whole new way. This feature rich program is both an exciting new game as well as an excellent alternative to BINGO for fundraisers.
DINGO main screen pre-game
DINGO main screen – 42 cards called
As with all Bingo Rose software, great attention to detail has been incorporated into main screen design to maximize viewability by the DINGO patron. Controls used to customize the program to suit the individual organization’s preferences are placed inside a Utility Switchboard. During a game, only essential controls remain visible on the screen to avoid distractions.
DINGO main screen controls
Once the program is setup to the user’s preferences, there may never be a need to open the Utility Switchboard again. This switchboard is accessed by double-clicking the user’s logo at the top left of the screen while a game is ended and the Card # control is at 0.
DINGO Utility Switchboard
If the program is set to Auto mode, when the game is started (Start Game button), the program’s unique random playing card selection will generate the current card being called which will be prominently displayed on the right side of the screen adjacent to the flashboard.
Prominent DINGO current card called display
The smaller display of the current card will be displayed in the associated place on the main flashboard screen.
Flashboard portion of the DINGO main screen
Users should always select the provided Exit button at the bottom of the screen to correctly exit the DINGO program. To prevent inadvertent shutdown of the program by an accidental click on the application's exit button (red X at top right of the screen), the user can remove the check mark in the Controls Visible check box on the Utility Switchboard to hide the application's Minimize / Maximize / Exit controls.
If the Use Sound checkbox is checked, a sound file associated with that card will be activated. If the Show Timer Bar checkbox is checked, an added visual display of the countdown to the next card called will be visible.
Optional DINGO countdown visual display
If a value less than 10 is entered into the Seconds to Countdown textbox, a warning message will be displayed (see below).
Seconds to Countdown warning
The countdown interval is entered in seconds in the Seconds to Countdown textbox on the Utility Switchboard and is displayed on the main screen. The Countdown decreases in number with every second that elapses. When the countdown reaches 0, the process is repeated automatically. With each card called, the Card # value increases. The game proceeds until the game is stopped (Stop button), generally when someone calls DINGO. The image below also shows the Joker has been called reminder indicator.
Card count and Seconds to Countdown indicators
If the program is set to Timer mode, when the countdown reaches 0, the Next Card button reappears on the main screen and must be selected to initiate the next card call. This setting may be beneficial in an environment whereby the caller requires more control of the program due to the nature of the patrons in attendance.
Dingo Bingo
DINGO operational mode
The Use Joker checkbox is checked if the user wishes to insert a Joker into the deck when it is shuffled (Shuffle button). Uses for this feature are discussed later in this document. When the Joker is called, no sound file is activated. The game, however, is immediately stopped and a popup announces the Joker (see image below).
Joker popup display
The wording that appears on the popup can be changed by amending the text in the Default Joker Text textbox on the Utility Switchboard.
Customizable Default Joker Text
A smaller display of the Joker is displayed on the main screen until the current game is ended as a visual reminder that the Joker had been called before a DINGO was called.
Joker called reminder display
When the Use Validation checkbox is selected, the controls for the card validation feature of the program are made visible on the main screen. This feature is only used if the DINGO game boards included with the program are used. Details about this feature that displays a popup of a card suspected of being a winner visually indicating to all patrons if the card is a winner are discussed later in this document.
Selecting the License button will open the Bingo Rose License popup. This popup is initially displayed the first time the software is started after installation. The information to enter into the screen is provided to the licensed organization in a letter accompanying the software CD after purchase and is unique to that organization. Incorrect entries may result in the software terminating, necessitating re-launch to access this License form. Generally, there is no reason to open this popup after the software is successfully installed other than to discover the license information should the record of it be lost.
Bingo Rose License popup
To give the user organization the ability to make the software look proprietary, they can alter the 300 X 150 px corplogo.jpg file that is stored external to the program in the C:DingoDingo Images directory. If this file is not modified by the user, the background coloured default file is displayed. To access the Utility Switchboard, the caller would double-click the corporate logo area at the top left side of the main screen. (See corporate logo image displayed on the program main screen image at the top of this page.)
Customizable corporate logo
As some organizations have varying names for this game, the 397 X 139 px horizontal banner.jpg file in the same location as the corplogo.jpg file can be modified. This file displays in the area directly to the right of the corporate logo on the top of the flashboard. The 229 X 427 px default card.jpg file can also be modified. This file displays as the default card in the current card location at the left side of the screen.
Customizable horizontal image and default card image
Note: File dimensions for these three files must be maintained.
How is DINGO played? Traditionally, the game is played in the deaf community using the instructions below, but read on to see how Bingo Rose brings something new to the game.
TABLE: It is best for each table to have four (4) players. Each table will be given a deck of cards. You cannot have more than four (4) players at any one table. If you have less than four (4), the empty chairs will be dealt in, but the cards remain face down during the duration of the game. FRONT OF ROOM: A single deck of large cards at the front of the room is shuffled and ready for the first game. A “Caller” needs to be designated. This person is not playing a hand, but simply drawing and signing the card drawn. If the caller is also seated at a table with others, then someone else can watch the caller’s cards – so as not to penalize him (still give him a chance of winning) because he has offered to be the Caller. Prior to play beginning, the group decides if the cards are only signed or if they are also shown. If you are signing only, make sure that your signs are clear and free of obstruction. If you have a large room, consider having another signer in the middle of the room to copy-sign. Be sure everyone knows the signs for all suits (club, spade, heart, diamond) and all the numbers (1-10) and face cards (jack, queen, king and ace). Also be sure that everyone knows what they look like as some people are not familiar with card games and while the heart and diamond pictured on the card are clear, the club and spade are not. PLAYING CARDS: Each group (consisting of up to 4 players) will designate a dealer, who will then remove the Joker cards (if not already done), then shuffle and distribute 13 playing cards to each player. After each player gets his/her 13 cards, they should be displayed face up (for all to see). The player can decide how to arrange their cards (by number, by suit, by color, etc.). This will benefit the player and has no bearing on the outcome of the game. As the caller at the front of the room signs the card drawn, each player will turn down each playing card if matched with that card drawn by the caller. Keep in mind that if there are four (4) players at your table, someone from your table should match the card drawn each and every time. When a player has just one playing card left facing up, that player must raise her/his hand to let the dealer know. If a player has won, stand up and tell the dealer you have won. The winner will then be given a prize for that game. |
Traditional DINGO game instructions
In its basic operation, the DINGO software removes the need for the caller to shuffle the main deck and sign the current card. The program will automatically shuffle the deck and prominently display the current card being called. Additionally, each card that has been called is visibly displayed on the flashboard. If a Joker is used, it will be included in the deck being shuffled and if it is called prior to a DINGO being called, it will cause a popup to appear on the screen. The pace of the game can be set using the timer interval setting (Seconds to Countdown).
Several features of the DINGO software provide the user organization with the flexibility to promote more enjoyment for the patrons, to extend the use beyond the deaf community with voice calling, and to create opportunity for a greater revenue stream when used as a fundraiser tool.
If the Joker is used (the Use Joker checkbox is checked on the Utility Switchboard), a Joker is included in the deck when shuffled. The purpose of this card is to randomly select a location in the deck that a pre-determined event will occur. This feature was originally included at a customer’s request. In their organization, they often hold fundraiser events. If the Joker appears before a patron calls DINGO, the prize value is reduced or there is a split pot. (If the prize for that game was $200, the organization would retain $100 for the fundraising effort.) Another possible use would be to retain a portion of the prize value to add to the final game jackpot prize value.
While the deaf community might prefer to operate the software in silence, the program will announce each card drawn when the Use Sound checkbox is checked on the Utility Switchboard. As the sound files (.wav - Wave Sound type) are located external to the program, each file is customizable to meet your specific needs, be that a different language, familiar voice, or style of call. Rose, the original Bingo Rose, won't be offended if you choose to replace her voice. Create several versions of the files to swap in before the game for variety! Sound editing software is readily available for free download on the internet and is generally simple to learn. (Be sure to save backup copies of the Bingo Rose sound files and any other sound files you create in case you accidentally overwrite those installed in the C:/Dingo/Dingo Sound directory.)
If a DINGO is called, and the winner is verified, the caller can activate a Winner popup by double-clicking the Bingo Rose logo on the lower left of the screen to announce to all patrons that there is a winner. Note that this popup will only appear if a game is ended (Stop button is visible) and the Card # control is greater than 0. The image for this popup is customizable by modifying the 639 X 305 px winner.jpg file located in the C:/Dingo/Dingo Images directory.
Note: File dimensions for this file must be maintained.
Bingo Rose logo
Customizable winner popup
Double-clicking the Bingo Rose logo at any other time will display the About Bingo Rose splash screen discussed later in this document.
A major new feature greatly expands the traditional fashion of playing the game to improve patron enjoyment of the game as well as offer opportunity to generate greater fundraiser revenue flow. Using one deck of playing cards per group of four patrons limits the patron to playing one game at a time. Bingo Rose has introduced the DINGO game board.
DINGO game board
The program includes a file which contains 1000 game boards like the one above. Each is unique. There are 4 cards per sheet and each sheet contains all 52 playing cards. Users have the option of selling a full sheet with the 4 cards. In this way the player will mark off one item with each call. The user organization could also cut the page into 4 individual cards, creating 4000 individual game boards. Using game cards like this would allow players to play more than 1 game card at a time for more enjoyment, as well as add an extra level of challenge to the game. More than one game board could be played with each game (the calling interval would have to be adjusted to allow patrons sufficient time to mark their boards). The fundraising advantage is therefore increased. For those who are environmentally conscious, these boards could be printed on card stock and laminated for repeat usage. A coin could be used to cover called cards. Or have the game boards printed on punch-out paper for repeat game use.
But there is a greater benefit to using these game boards. There is a card validation feature built into the program. This control (below) can be hidden from the main screen if the cards are not used by deselecting the Use Validation check box on the Utility Switchboard. When someone calls DINGO, rather than have to individually check each of their 13 playing cards against the flashboard of cards called, they can give the caller the card number (i.e. A-968). That information is entered into the validation control and the Validate button is selected.
DINGO card validation controls
What pops up is a validation of the card such as the one below. Note that this card is not a winner as the Queen of Clubs was not called. All patrons can readily determine from the popup if the patron has a winning card or not.
DINGO card validation popup (Queen of Clubs not called)
The DINGO game board files are contained in the C:DingoDingo Cards directory, DingoCards1_1000.pdf file. Print as many as you need. For control purposes, you can designate a series group to be played for a particular game or date. Or pre-print the game board paper or card stock with your logo, event date, or promotional material.
Bingo Rose is proud of the contribution we make towards providing organizations with professional and affordable software solutions to their entertainment needs. Our software development curve relies upon feedback from our valued customers. If there is something your organization needs that has appeal to a broad audience, we would be interested in hearing your ideas.
Bingo Rose programs are built on a technologically modern platform - Microsoft Office Access 2007. There is no need to have MS Access installed on your computer as the second stage of our installation routine includes an Access 2007 runtime environment installation, enough of that program to run ours. A Windows Operating System is required. DINGO was designed for 1366 X 768 screen resolution. As such, your computer and any attached projection equipment must be capable of at least this resolution.
Microsoft Access development platform
The About Bingo Rose splash screen is displayed for approximately four seconds when the program is launched. It can also be accessed from the main screen by double-clicking the Bingo Rose logo while the Card # control is at 0.
About Bingo Rose
This screen provides information about your computer and the environment that the Bingo Rose software is operating in. This information might assist Bingo Rose personnel in troubleshooting any unlikely difficulties you experience with the program.
NOTE: Please consult local laws before using this program for other than Not for Profit use.
Each time the software is launched, a Licensed User notification will appear.
Bingo Rose Licensed User warning
DINGO is licensed for single organization use. The Organization Name must be provided at time of purchase. The same Organization Name must be used in conjunction with a License number when the program is first used to register the licensee and record the Organization Name for display on the main screen.
To review your license information, you can access the Bingo Rose License form from the Utility Switchboard by double-clicking the user’s corporate logo while the Card # control is at 0. (After the deck has been shuffled.)
Please do not hesitate to contact Bingo Rose
if you need any further information about the use of our products.
We are committed to providing the best customer service possible.

The redesigned DINGO (Bingo for the Deaf) program is here! DINGO is a unique software program designed for, and with the assistance of, the deaf community. The main features of this program modernize the popular DINGO card game utilized by the deaf community as a substitute for BINGO with automated card shuffling and flashboard display to visually improve the enjoyment of the game. Additional features make this game suitable to any group, deaf or not, that wants to enjoy Bingo in a whole new way. This feature rich program is both an exciting new game as well as an excellent alternative to BINGO for fundraisers.
Program Setup and Customization
If the program is set to Auto mode, when the game is started (Start Game button), the program’s unique random playing card selection will generate the current card being called which will be prominently displayed on the right side of the screen adjacent to the flashboard.
Dingo Bingo A Bar
To give the user organization the ability to make the software look proprietary, they can alter the 300 X 150 px corplogo.jpg file that is stored external to the program in the C:DingoDingo Images directory. If this file is not modified by the user, the background coloured default file is displayed. To access the Utility Switchboard, the caller would double-click the corporate logo area at the top left side of the main screen. (See corporate logo image displayed on the program main screen image at the top of this page.)
As some organizations have varying names for this game, the 397 X 139 px horizontal banner.jpg file in the same location as the corplogo.jpg file can be modified. This file displays in the area directly to the right of the corporate logo on the top of the flashboard. The 229 X 427 px default card.jpg file can also be modified. This file displays as the default card in the current card location at the left side of the screen.

How is DINGO played?
Traditional DINGO game instructions
How can this DINGO software benefit your organization?
In its basic operation, the DINGO software removes the need for the caller to shuffle the main deck and sign the current card. The program will automatically shuffle the deck and prominently display the current card being called. Additionally, each card that has been called is visibly displayed on the flashboard. If a Joker is used, it will be included in the deck being shuffled and if it is called prior to a DINGO being called, it will cause a popup to appear on the screen. The pace of the game can be set using the timer interval setting (Seconds to Countdown).
Several features of the DINGO software provide the user organization with the flexibility to promote more enjoyment for the patrons, to extend the use beyond the deaf community with voice calling, and to create opportunity for a greater revenue stream when used as a fundraiser tool.
If the Joker is used (the Use Joker checkbox is checked on the Utility Switchboard), a Joker is included in the deck when shuffled. The purpose of this card is to randomly select a location in the deck that a pre-determined event will occur. This feature was originally included at a customer’s request. In their organization, they often hold fundraiser events. If the Joker appears before a patron calls DINGO, the prize value is reduced or there is a split pot. (If the prize for that game was $200, the organization would retain $100 for the fundraising effort.) Another possible use would be to retain a portion of the prize value to add to the final game jackpot prize value.
While the deaf community might prefer to operate the software in silence, the program will announce each card drawn when the Use Sound checkbox is checked on the Utility Switchboard. As the sound files (.wav - Wave Sound type) are located external to the program, each file is customizable to meet your specific needs, be that a different language, familiar voice, or style of call. Rose, the original Bingo Rose, won't be offended if you choose to replace her voice. Create several versions of the files to swap in before the game for variety! Sound editing software is readily available for free download on the internet and is generally simple to learn. (Be sure to save backup copies of the Bingo Rose sound files and any other sound files you create in case you accidentally overwrite those installed in the C:/Dingo/Dingo Sound directory.)
If a DINGO is called, and the winner is verified, the caller can activate a Winner popup by double-clicking the Bingo Rose logo on the lower left of the screen to announce to all patrons that there is a winner. Note that this popup will only appear if a game is ended (Stop button is visible) and the Card # control is greater than 0. The image for this popup is customizable by modifying the 639 X 305 px winner.jpg file located in the C:/Dingo/Dingo Images directory.
Note: File dimensions for this file must be maintained.
Dingo Bingo
DINGO (Bingo for the Deaf) Software Highlights Presentation
The main features of the DINGO (Bingo for the Deaf) software are outlined in this short video presentation which includes a short clip of the software in use. (Expand the video full screen for best viewing. Pause the video to read or inspect screens with greater detail.)
BUY DINGO (Bingo for the Deaf) !$69.95 USD
The Gringo Dingo Bingo Hall
Bingo Dingo Meaning
Visit https://www.BingoRose.biz/to view the Bingo Rose product line.