Blackjack Counting Cards App
Counting cards in Blackjack is not as hard as you think. It's like learning a musical instrument: anyone can do it, but only a select few actually put in the time to get good at it. This app was created to teach you. Blackjack card counter. KarjaCreations Entertainment. Add to Wishlist. Use this counter to learn how to count cards or as a tool to help you keep track of the cards dealt. The MIT Blackjack Team was a group of students and ex-students from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Harvard University, and other leading colleges who used card counting techniques and more sophisticated strategies to beat casinos at blackjack worldwide. The team and its successors operated successfully from 1979 through the.
Rules Of the Game | ||||
Gameplay & Strategy: The Hit or Stand game works much like any other blackjack game, but your score is determined by your ability to make correct moves on each hand. After the cards are dealt, you have the option to Hit, Stand, Double, or Split. Because this game is a trainer, it is up to you to add the cards and know whether you are allowed to split or double. An illegal move will be counted incorrect. If your move is legal, it will be determined to be correct or incorrect based on the strategy tables provided on the rules and strategy page. While blackjack strategy does change from casino to casino, most casinos fall under one of two categories: Las Vegas rules or Atlantic City rules. A correct move from either the A.C. or Vegas strategy tables will be accepted as correct. | Easy or Difficult: The game has two modes of play: easy and difficult. In both modes you will be dealt 20 hands, and your final score will be the percentage of correct moves you made. In difficult mode, the hands will by more challenging, and you will only have four seconds to make each decision. Bonus Round: A player who scores a 100% after the 20 hands will qualify to the bonus round. In the bonus round, you will be given one minute to make as many correct moves as possible. For each correct move you will be awarded one bonus point. For more info visit the rules and strategy page or post a question on the Hit or Stand message board. |
Blackjack Words of Caution | ||||
Blackjack Odds: Playing Hit or Stand will improve your blackjack strategy, and increase your chances of winning money. However, unless you count cards, the odds of blackjack are against you, even if you are a perfect player. By chance, the outcome may sway in your favor from time to time; but the rule is: the more you gamble the more money you lose. Gambling Addiction: Gambling is addictive, really. If you find yourself spending an unreasonable amount of time in casinos, or if you find that gambling is having a negative impact on you life and finances, seek help. There should be nothing embarrassing about it. Visit the Gambler's Anonymous website to learn more. | Counting Cards: While counting cards can put the odds of blackjack in your favor, it requires a huge time commitment. It is difficult to learn, and very time consuming to play. You can learn about counting cards from books on our blackjack book list and from websites on our links page. Please remember that many blackjack books and websites are trying to sell you something. They have incentives to convince you of the ease and profitability of card counting. Also note that online casinos shuffle the deck after each deal, so it is impossible to count cards when playing blackjack online. Gambling can be fun and harmless, if you expect to lose. View your losses as the ticket price for a night of entertainment. |
“I brought $2,500 to gamble … within the first 3 hours I lost $2,499,” the staffer recounts of a past trip to Las Vegas
February 17, 2021Jon Hein has long been known as the Stern Show’s resident TV expert and fast food critic, but on Wednesday morning the staffer offered a glimpse into one of his hitherto undocumented passions: gambling.
The subject arose when his friend and colleague JD Harmeyer revealed he’d sometimes turned to Jon for sports betting tips. “I know about his gambling, uh prowesses, or whatever,” JD said. “If he’s in Vegas or Atlantic City he’s going to the craps table.”
Howard could barely believe it. “You always seem so sensible to me,” he told Jon. “I’m shocked about your gambling. I didn’t know this about you.”

“Look, I enjoy gambling. I’m very happy that I live in a state that doesn’t have legal sports gambling,” Jon said. “I have an itch. When I was younger it was bad, but now I manage it pretty well.”
As under control as his gambling may be these days, he still managed to get kicked out of the Tropicana a few years back after the casino accused him of counting cards at the blackjack table. “I was in Vegas for a week for two friends’ bachelor parties,” Jon recounted. “I brought, I don’t know, $2,500—$500 a day—to gamble. Within the first three hours I had lost $2,499 of it.”
“I had to stick around for the next four days as my buddies were gambling,” he continued. “So … I would bet and then I would take down my bet because I didn’t have any money, you know?”
Jon’s unconventional betting pattern may have been innocuous, but his blackjack dealer thought it indicated he was up to something fishy. “She calls the pit boss over and goes, ‘This man is counting cards,’” he recalled. “I go, ‘Would I be betting $10 a hand?’ I got really upset and the pit boss asked me to leave.”
The staffer did not go quietly.
Blackjack Counting Cards Illegal

“I was like, ‘Are you crazy?’ So, of course, I walk out telling everyone, ‘The Tropicana is the worst hotel in Las Vegas!’” Jon recalled. “I literally went nuts. I was so pissed.”
Blackjack Card Counting Trainer

Howard empathized with his staffer’s frustration but struggled to imagine the normally calm and collected Jon Hein being dragged from a casino, kicking and screaming. “This is amazing. This is more shocking than the fact you got all these blowjobs in college,” he concluded.