Bingo Bongo Online
Bingo Card Generator. Print your bingo cards at home to play in‑person, or send out links to play a Virtual Bingo Game - we even provide a bingo caller! Choose from ready-made Number Bingo Cards or browse through bingo ideas for all occasions. All our bingo cards.
- Bingo Bongo tell story about ' The ape-man, found somewhere in the jungles of Congo, transferred to Milan and named Bingo Bongo. The only one who believes in the human qualities of him is Laura, a woman anthropologist, so their affection for each other even grows to love.
- If you've ever played Bongo's Bingo, you will know it's not a night you'll forget in a hurry - which is why it's absolutely epic news the company is now live streaming games. The outrageous hosted bingo game meets bizarre live show is like nothing we've ever been to before - it's downright wacky, hilariously fun and (optionally) boozy.
- Play BINGO BOMBO, the funniest Free Video Bingo you can imagine! With Bingo Bombo you will enjoy many hours of fun for free and get big prizes. With more than 10.000.000 players, Bingo Bombo has become an icon of entertainment and amusement. ABOUT THE GAME In Bingo Bombo you can play with up to 4 bingo.
Host a bingo game for up to 1000 players
Bingo Maker is paving the way for the future of bingo gaming. With our web platform, you can host a virtual bingo game for up to 1000 players using virtual. Players can join your game on the Games List page. When you activate the bingo caller, you can play as many games as you want for three hours. You can modify the winning patterns every time you restart a new game. You can save bingo cards as a PDF file and go print them in a print shop. We also provide solutions for those looking for simple solutions such as the Free Virtual caller and the Free Virtual Card. You can host your virtual game with a video conferencing service such as Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Facebook Live Stream or YouTube Live Stream.
Free Virtual Bingo Game
Host a Free Virtual Bingo Game every day with up to 25 players. You can try and learn how it works. Log in to your Bingo Maker account using Facebook or your email/password. In the top menu bar, click “Free Virtual Game”.
Free Bingo Caller
Here is the free bingo caller version of the Bingo Maker web application. This version is not linked to the bingo cards of the game, and you have to manually validate the winners.
Free Virtual Card

If you want to simply play a card on your device right away, then our free virtual card is perfect for you. Click the squares and get a BINGO!

Play bingo with virtual cards
In order to save ink and paper, players can join your game and play a virtual card on any device that can access the internet and that has a web browser. Players can join your virtual game on their devices at, and click “Join a game“. They search your game name, click “Join”, enter your password, and receive their virtual cards. There is no login process for players to get their cards.
Host the game with the online bingo caller
Our virtual bingo caller allows you to draw random numbers as in professional bingo halls. Our bingo caller is linked to the cards, so it tells you in real time the winners of the game with printed cards and virtual cards. Make manual or automatic random draws of numbers with our bingo caller. You can also make the draws using your own physical bingo cage with numbered balls, and click the numbers with the feature “Manual selection of the draws”.
Choose from a list of 64 winning patterns
We have a choice of 64 different winning patterns for players to get a bingo. When you restart a new game, the players cards will be reset, and they keep playing with the same cards. Players can have only one card per device or web browser.
Once the game has started, its name will be displayed on the Games List page.
Display the bingo flashboard to players on another screen
With our virtual bingo caller, you can open in another window of our web browser the bingo flashboard of your game. You can then display the flashboard to players on a TV or projector screen and follow the draws in real time.
Make custom cards ready to print
Make bingo cards and play a game has never been easier. With the web app Bingo Maker, anyone can organize a bingo game like a pro. You will be able to make bingo cards with the parameters of your choice, design the cards by importing images and play a game with the virtual bingo caller. Print the desired number of cards or distribute virtual cards to the players and start the game.
You can insert publicity around the cards in order to promote your business or the coming events. For example, if you make bingo cards for a Christmas party, it could be a good idea to insert winter season related images around the cards.
Several settings can be changed when making the cards to allow maximum freedom for users to make custom cards and host a personalized bingo game.
An intuitive interface
The cards generated by the application are listed by game in the table of the app’s main page. This system allows you to manage your games and create other versions of earlier games.
The top right menu allows you to add credits, view your transaction history, edit your profile and communicate with the support team. To edit a game, use the tool icon to the right of the game name. The last added or modified game will be displayed at the top of the list. The latest design or simulation of a game will be displayed at the top of the game files. You can clean your games list by archiving older ones. The information about a game can be quickly viewed when going on the (i) icon to the right of the game name.
Create an account with Facebook or an email address
To use the application, all users must create a unique account in which the cards will be saved. We have put at your disposal two connection methods to facilitate the subscription process. If you create an account using Facebook, Bingo Maker will only get public information to create your account. If you do not have Facebook or you do not want to connect with it, create an account using an “Email / Password”. A confirmation email will be sent to verify your account (it could be in your spam folder). You can modify your account in the section “Edit my profile”.
List of web services:
Our web application is a pay-per-use service, each function costs credits depending on how many cards you have in your bingo game. We also provide free services: Free Virtual Game; Free Bingo caller; Free virtual Card.
- Create custom bingo cards for up to 1000 players per game using numbers or custom words and phrases;
- Host the game with our virtual bingo caller and validate the winners. Distribute virtual bingo cards and/or printed bingo cards to players;
- Create a codes list for players to get their cards. Manage the distribution of virtual cards that better fits your needs;
- Create the design of the cards by importing images around the printed cards;
- Simulate a bingo game with your cards and predict the outcome of a winners.
Thank you for using our web services
The satisfaction of our customers is at the center of our concerns. You can now make your own bingo cards and discover all the possibilities the web application offers. We hope you enjoy your experience using our web application Bingo Maker.
We reserve the right to amend our Rules. However, we will make reasonable efforts to ensure that any significant changes to them will be notified to you via our website and by prominent notices placed at all venues. Once you play a game, you will be deemed to have accepted and be bound by these Rules.
Before Play
Prior to commencement of any bingo session, the Company will use reasonable endeavours to ensure that all gaming equipment is fully functional. Before each game commences, the Caller will:
1. Announce which bingo card is in play; and
2.Which line, lines or full house (or any other combination) has to be completed to win a prize.
3.On attendance at the venue, you will be provided with your bingo book and pen.
During Play
4. Each number will be selected at random by means of a random number generator (“RNG”). Customers must mark their cards in such a way that the numbers are sufficiently legible to be easily verifiable, allowing us to check them beyond dispute.

5. Numbers called are repeated on indicator boards being lit either automatically by the equipment or manually by the Caller. In the event of a discrepancy between a number announced by the Caller and that illuminated on the indicator board, the actual number produced by the RNG and displayed on the Caller’s screen shall prevail.
Bingo Bongo Online Subtitrat
6. In the event that a customer requests a re-check of the numbers called, the caller will not perform this (unless there are exceptional circumstances) after 10 numbers have been called or after the single line is checked, whichever is first.

Stopping the Game
7. The point at which the next number is deemed to have been called will be the moment the Caller has commenced to call that number or to give a description of that number in any degree including words descriptive of its colour or position. Once a number has been started, it will be completed and that number will become the last number called. The winning card must contain the last number called as part of the advertised/announced winning sequence. Once a prize has been correctly validated another number is required to be called before an additional winning sequence can be accepted.
8. No further Claim for a prize (a “Claim”) will be accepted for a line, or two lines (or other combination) once the next number has been called. No further Claims will be accepted for a full house after the reset button has been activated and the Random Number Generator set for the next game.
9. It is the responsibility of each player to stop the Caller before the next number is started. A player is responsible for ensuring the caller stops the game on their winning number by giving a loud clear verbal shout. Failure to stop the caller on the winning number will render the claim invalid.
10. Prizes will only be paid to the person playing and stopping the game.
Claiming the Prize
For the purpose of verification of any Claims, as set out below, the claiming Customer must be in possession of the relevant winning book.
When a Claim is made, the Customer must produce their book for verification. We reserve the right to require production of valid identification. If a Customer fails to do so within a reasonable period of time (which shall be deemed to be five minute, unless special circumstances otherwise dictate), the right to any prize for that Claim will be forfeit.
The Caller will determine the Claim and announce the decision. If a Claim is rejected, the Caller will endeavour to obtain the Customer’s agreement to that decision. The reason for the Claim’s rejection will be announced.
In the event of multiple winners on a game, a dance-off or similar competition will be held to determine the prize winner.
In the event of a mechanical malfunction however caused, or any other circumstance which results in a duplicate or incorrect game books being issued resulting in multiple or duplicate claims, all entitled claimants will equally share the declared prize.
Employees of the Company are not permitted to play at the premises where they are permanently employed. Immediate family members of the management team are not allowed to take part in any form of gaming at the premises at which that management team are working. This prohibition also extends to the immediate family members of staff when performing the roll of Duty Manager. In addition, the immediate family members of the Caller or host of any particular in-house games are not entitled to participate in that game. Further details are given in the Colleague Gaming Policy.
Game Summary
In each game of bingo you have three chances to win. Your game consists of 6 houses, with three lines in each
The first prize is for one line. That is when all the numbers in one horizontal row are called out. If you have this you call BINGO
The second prize is for two lines. These two lines must be within the same house and again must be horizontal. If you have this you call BINGO. For one and two lines it is the first person we see calling bingo. If the card is correct then the owner of the card wins a prize.
For the third prize you must have all 3 lines within the same house. If there is more than one call for this (providing they are correct), all callers will be invited onto the stage to compete for the prize. This is usually in the form of a dance-off but can sometimes be a sing-off or musical statues.
Prize Draw (Selected Cities)
11. When you enter Bongo’s Bingo you are handed a free prize draw ticket.
Bongos Bingo Online How Does It Work
12. At the end of each game of bingo a ticket is drawn out and the person with the corresponding prize draw ticket will be invited up on stage to answer a question. If they answer this question they will win a designated amount of money.
13. Staff will then take the following details of the customer:
13.1 Full name
13.2 Postcode
13.3 Signature
Bingo Bongo Lars
13.4 Amount of money won.
Bongo Bingo Online
If the person gets the question wrong then the money will roll over to the next round.